I don't know about everyone else, but for me as an artist I have always sort of been all over the place focusing on several different things at once. Meaning, I will get into one thing, and give it my best, work my hardest to master it, and when I'm either done, (or so close to being done I can taste it) I find something else I'm interested in and dive headfirst into it! So as I work to build a career as an artist I have been thinking of ways to make this work for me instead of against me as it has for so many years (with too many unfinished projects to count).
As I work to build this career as an artist I have been focusing on jewelry (which is something I have been doing for years, but only recently decided to have a go at it professionally). So I thought to myself how can I make it to where it keeps being new and interesting for me? How can I make it to where it is consistently on the right path so that I can allow my business to grow and change as I grow and change?
And this phrase hit me like a bag of bricks: Just go with it. It seemed so simple, in fact a little too simple, but aren't way too many of life's issues solved by a very simple solution?
In all of my life as an artist, as someone who draws, paints, and makes ceramics on the side of my jewelry making I never thought to utilize this hunger of always something new and different to work with. And I sure as hell didn't think of it for my jewelry career! But the term just go with it made so much sense.
So why does this phrase mean so much to me? Well it means that instead of getting too focused on any one thing to level my focus, and to allow the new ideas to flow into me and out of me, finding balance in my own creativity not being too into or not enough all at the same time. To try new things within moderation, but also to keep working towards my initial goals and FINISH my projects! It keeps blockages from forming in my subconscious which make it difficult for me to create any one thing. I decided that it would be easier to let my inspiration flow within me and out of me like water, or waves lapping on and off the shore. After all jewelry has so many different artistic elements you are not bound just to some pretty beads and wires, or chains. It is a world full of endless opportunities! I can take all of my interests, drawing, painting, sculpture, and ceramics and put it together in a meaningful and delicate manor.
So the next project to make this happen in a more efficient way is to set up a better workshop for myself. At the moment I create mostly while I'm sitting in the office at my job (yes I am allowed to make my jewelry on the job), but when I am at home I'm mostly on the dining table, or in my bedroom. I think setting up an actual studio sooner than later in my garage is more like it. This project is something that has been on the back burner for the past couple of months, my excuse being that it was too cold to organize! But now with spring just around the corner and my new just go with it attitude it seems to be more of a necessity than ever! After all without a TRUE place for me to work the ideas flow on creative energy are not level which create blockages. So while I like to work on making items while I sit in my bed or at the dining room table a place that is truly mine to create in would help with the whole just go with it attitude.
Wish me luck!! And don't forget to just go with it!
So with all of that said as I work on my journey to a career as an artist I should announce that my Etsy shop is open!
Uniquely Yew Shop
Come by and check it out, and don't forget to like my shop on Facebook!
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